History Made As, For The First Time Ever, No Votes Cast At World Zionist Congress

Eretz HaKodesh Stands Up for Torah Values – And Prevails The Eretz HaKodesh party of the World Zionist Organization was founded to fight for Torah values in the Holy Land, and that battle was on full display on Thursday in the plenary session of the World Zionist Congress. For the first time in history, the Reform and leftist movements who sought to pass resolutions […]

History Made as, for the First Time Ever, No Votes Cast at World Zionist Congress

Eretz HaKodesh Stands Up for Torah Values – And Prevails The Eretz HaKodesh party of the World Zionist Organization was founded to fight for Torah values in the Holy Land, and that battle was on full display on Thursday in the plenary session of the World Zionist Congress. For the first time in history, the Reform and leftist movements who sought […]

Fighting for Torah Valuesat the ExtraordinaryWorld Zionist Congress

This past week, I went to the World Zionist Congress with low expectations. Our agenda was clear: fight for our values, even if we lose every vote. Historically, the chareidi community has been excluded by those who claim inclusivity. On Wednesday, my committee spent almost two hours debating the Supreme Court resolution. While at times […]


Traveling to Eretz Yisrael always carries with it unique feelings. As put eloquently by the taxi driver that drove me from my hotel to the airport for my return flight to the U.S.A.; “You’re not going home. You’re going to America. Eretz Yisrael is home!” One morning at breakfast, the guest who previously sat at […]

Dear Readers

“Busha! Busha!” were the words thatrang through the halls on Thursday atthe World Zionist Congress. Those onthe left were expressing their dismay that thingsweren’t going their way.But perhaps those words could be used to sumup this year’s Congress: Shame! Shame!The World Zionist Congress was establishedmore than 100 years ago to promote and advancethe ideals of […]

The Real Busha

As a delegate to the World Zionist Congress, I entered the meeting hall in Jerusalem last week with hope and enthusiasm. I looked forward to engaging in healthy and constructive discussions on pressing issues that affect Israel and Zionism. Little did I know that I would soon find myself caught in the crossfire of a […]

A Win for Eretz Hakodesh Is a Win for Torah Values

This week, we came to the World Zionist Congress with low expectations. We came with one agenda: fight for our values, even as we expected to lose every vote. Historically, the religious community has been excluded by those who claim inclusivity. On Wednesday, our committee spent almost two hours debating the Supreme Court resolution. While […]

סיעות ‘המזרחי’ ו’ארץ הקודש’ בקונגרס הציוני מנעו הצבעות על החלטות ‘אנטי דתיות’ ונגד הרפורמה המשפטית

בקונגרס הציוני המיוחד שכונס בירושלים בסוף השבוע שעבר, הצליחה סיעת המזרחי העולמי במאבקה למנוע קבלת החלטה שתאסור את שינוי ‘סעיף הנכד’ המפורסם בחוק השבות. מלכתחילה הציעה המזרחי לקבל בהסכמה תיקונים מסויימים בנושא סעיף הנכד, אבל סיעות השמאל סירבו לדון בהצעת המזרחי ודרשו לדון רק בהצעה שתאסור את ביטול סעיף הנכד. כתוצאה מכך דרשה המזרחי לקיים הצבעה רשמית בין 700 […]

Making history: Why no votes were cast at a World Zionist Congress

Someone challenged the narrative about what the Jewish people want – and prevailed. Op-ed. The Eretz HaKodesh party of the World Zionist Organization was founded to fight for Torah values in the Holy Land, and that battle was on full display on Thursday in the plenary session of the World Zionist Congress. For the first […]