Ensuring that Eretz Yisroel
Remains Eretz HaKodesh

What Have We Done?

The Kosel


Major Yom Tov and Chol Hamoed events have been arranged for bnei chutz la’aretz in Yerushalayim.


We arranged a joint gathering of rabbonim from Eretz Yisroel and the Diaspora to form a united front against changes in the kosher certification laws.


We ensured the entry of yeshiva and seminary students into Israel, similar to the students in the Masa program.

Eretz HaKodesh Worldwide

We’ve held events and meetings in various countries around the world to explain the vision, mission and activities of Eretz HaKodesh.


Over the past years, we have conducted extensive activities for tens of thousands of foreign students and new immigrants in Eretz Yisrael.


Representatives of Eretz HaKodesh in the KKL worked to preserve Shemittah's strict observance in all Chief Rabbinate-approved establishments, with the produce being sold via otzar bais din under the supervision of Rav Yitzchak Efrati.

Our mission

Eretz HaKodesh works to ensure that classical Torah hashkafah as taught for millennia continues to play a central role in Eretz Yisroel.
Eretz HaKodesh provides a voice, day in and day out, for Orthodox communities in the Diaspora, making their influence felt regarding political decisions, communal decisions, and policies in Israel.

Eretz HaKodesh Around the World

Led by Rabbi Yonatan Guttentag
Activity Manager: Rabbi Avraham Lichtig
Contact: [Contact information not provided]


Led by Rabbi Reuven Hardi
Activity Manager: Rabbi Dan Kanoi
Contact: [Contact information not provided]

Led by Rabbi Eli Raber
Activity Manager: Rabbi Benyamin Eisenstark
Contact: [Contact information not provided]

Led by Rabbi Kalati
Activity Manager: Rabbi Pinchas Shwalb

[Contact information not provided]

Led by Rabbi Moshe Lebel
Activity Manager: Rabbi Pinchas Shwalb
Contact: pshwaib@gmail.com

South Africa
Rabbi Dov Blumenau

Led by Rabbi Eliyahu Hamera
Activity Manager: Rabbi Uri Husni
Contact: ehamra@amia.org.ar

Rabbi Moshe Fried

Led by Rabbi Avraham Mizrahi

Led by [Contact information not provided]

Miami Florida
Mrs. Devora Krasnianski

Miami Florida
Mr. Azriel Rapoport

Cincinnati OH
Rabbi Stephan Rostale

Monsey New York
Rabbi Zvi Gluck

Monsey New York
Mrs. Rivkie Feiner

St. Louis MO
Mr. Marc Jacob

St. Louis MO
Mr. Charles Deutsch

St. Louis MO
Rabbi Jonathan Spetner

Lawrence New York
Mrs. Shoshana Halpern

Monsey New York
Mrs. Michele Weiss

Baltimore MD
Rabbi Yaakov Menken

Cleveland OH
Mrs. Shoshana Dessler Jacobs

Far Rockaway New York
Rabbi Yechezkel Moskowitz

Far Rockaway New York
Mr. Yehuda Segal

Brooklyn New York
Mr. Abe Mostofsky

 Scottsdale AZ
Mrs. Robin Meyerson

Houston TX
Rabbi Binyamin Madetsky

Queens New York
Rabbi Martin Katz

 Passaic New Jersey
Rabbi Mordechai Becher

Brooklyn New York
Mr. Leon Goldenberg

Baltimore MD
Mr. Jacob Slone

Elections 2025

Everything you need to know in preparation for the 2025 elections:

Our Power

Representation of the Jewish Diaspora in Official Institutions

Public Activity

Eretz HaKodesh is recognized by official institutions in the State of Israel as the representative of Orthodox communities in the Diaspora.

Legal Proceedings

Over the past several years, the Reform movement has operated in Israel as official representatives of world Jewry. Consequently,

Representation of the Jewish Diaspora in Official Institutions

The World Zionist Congress currently functions as a body that unites representatives of the Jewish people from all corners of the world.


“ולציון יאמר איש ואיש יולד בה והוא יכוננה עליון – אמר רבי מיישא בר בריה דרבי יהושע בן לוי: אחד הנולד בה ואחד המצפה לראותה. אמר אביי: וחד מינייהו עדיף כתרי מינן. אמר רבא: וחד מינן כי סליק להתם – עדיף כתרי מינייהו, דהא רבי ירמיה דכי הוה הכא, לא הוה ידע מאי קאמרי רבנן, כי סליק להתם, קרי לן בבלאי טפשאי.”
(Kesubos 75a)

Throughout two thousand years of exile, every Jew in the Diaspora has directed their gaze with longing towards the Land of Israel and prayed with hope, saying, “May our eyes behold your return to Tzion in mercy.”

By the Numbers

Mosdos, yeshivos, seminaries, kollelim, n’shei groups and other organizations in Israel were assisted in various ways this year
$3,000,000 was funded for global Jewish causes
0 M
Approximately 40,000,000 Israeli shekel has been secured annually for programs for struggling teens
0 M
Over $150,000 was allocated for career training for hundreds of chareidi American women in Eretz Yisroel
0 K
Yeshiva and seminary students entered Eretz Yisroel during Covid, to learn, with the assistance of Eretz HaKodesh
0 K
Over 350 families of children with special needs were serviced



Elections 2025

Everything you need to know in preparation for the 2025 elections:

Our team

Rabbi Pesach Lerner

President and founder

Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz

Shmuel Litov

Yisrael Shwebel

Avi Greenwald

Yehuda Segal

Remind me the elections!

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Rabbi Pesach

Rabbi Pesach Lerner is founder and chairman of Eretz HaKodesh in the World Zionist Organization, within Israel’s “national Institutions”. He is a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel.

Rabbi Lerner holds Rabbinic ordination and advanced degrees in Talmudic Law from the Ner Israel Rabbinical College of Baltimore, MD, and also holds graduate and post-graduate degrees in Education and Not-for-Profit Organizational Systems.

He is honored to call himself, in the realm of Jewish ASKANOS and activism, a Talmud/student of Rabbi Nafatali Neuberger of Yeshiva Ner Yisrael in Baltimore and of Rabbi Moshe Sherer of Agudah Israel of America. He was very close to both great leaders of Klall Yisrael.

Rabbi Pesach Lerner is the founder and director of the Yeshiva Initiatives Educational Program, THE YIEP, an online university program, in conjunction with Bellevue University of Omaha, Nebraska, for Orthodox students.

He is immediate past President of The Coalition for Jewish Values. Rabbi Lerner was a founder of CJV, but his work at Eretz HaKodesh is so time consuming, he has given CJV over to others.


Rabbi Pesach Lerner was the Executive Vice-President of the National Council of Young Israel, where he served for over 20 years. He started his career in communal activity as Executive Director of the Hillel Academy of Denver

Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz

Rabbi Nechemya Malinowitz a member of the leadership of Eretz Hakodesh,

Born in Monsey, the son of the esteemed Rabbi Chaim Zev Malinowitz, may his memory be blessed, who served as a judge, community rabbi, and head of a yeshiva. At the age of 20, his parents immigrated to Israel with their nine children and settled in Jerusalem.

Over the years, he served in educational roles and in the field of outreach. He served as a Ram and head of the Beis Medresh program at Yeshivat Kesshr for at-risk youth under the leadership of Rabbi Michael Shoen.

Subsequently, he founded the Gvurat Yitzchak Yeshiva, catering to students from abroad with backgrounds and troubled youth.

Simultaneously, he was involved in outreach and for many years served as the representative of the Lev L’Achim organization and a liaison to the English-speaking community.

For many years, he was actively involved in the management of his father’s community and engaged in extensive public service for the benefit of the English-speaking community in Israel.

A few years ago, he was appointed to lead the campaign of Eretz HaKOdesh Movement for the World Zionist Congress. Since then, he has been serving as a member of the movement’s leadership, and concurrently as the director of the Periphery Department, involved in the worldwide activities.

Shmuel Litov

Shmuel Litov currently serves as the CEO of the municipality of Bnei Brak and simultaneously as the Deputy Chairman of KKL (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael) on behalf of the Eretz Hakodesh party.

In the early stages of his professional career, he worked as a professional advisor to MK (Member of Knesset) Moshe Gafni, Chairman of the Finance Committee. In this capacity, he managed the professional activities vis-à-vis various government ministries and gained extensive experience working with government offices. Additionally, he served as a member of the committee led by Judge Sarah Frisch, responsible for determining criteria for recognizing public institutions according to Section 46 of the Income Tax Ordinance. Following that, he headed a department for social periphery in the Ministry of the Negev and the Galilee, leading national projects in these areas.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he led a professional team in implementing the “Yeshivot Framework,” enabling religious seminaries to resume studies in a format adapted to the coronavirus restrictions. His actions received much praise from health ministry officials and yeshiva leaders. Furthermore, Litov currently serves as a board member of the Meuchedet Health insurance .

Litov is a graduate of the Hebron Yeshiva in Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem, and “Pachad Yitzchak” at Har Nof, under the guidance of the esteemed Rabbi Yonatan David. He holds a master’s degree in public policy from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Management Program and a bachelor’s degree in law from the Haredi Campus of Ono

Yisrael Shwebel

Yisrael Shwebel currently serves as the Deputy Director of Finance of the Olami organization, concurrently holding the position of Chairman of the Department for Periphery and Diaspora Involvement within the framework of the World Zionist Organization on behalf of Eretz HaKodesh.

YIsroel holds a certified CPA (Chartered Public Accountant) designation and an M.B.A from the Open University. Previously, he served as the treasurer of Beitar and managed the city’s rehabilitation program on behalf of the mayor.

Before that, Yisroel served as the director of the Haredi education budget in the Jerusalem municipality. He collaborated with the Budget Division of the Ministry of Finance on the declaration project for Haredi education and established the budget model for the Maayan Torah education in Jerusalem.

Prior to his municipal roles, Yisroel served as a CPA in the Hi-Tech and Oil & Gas audit department at Ernst & Young in Tel Aviv.

Yisroel is a graduate of the Yeshivas Chevron and is an Alumni of Pachad Yitzchok

Avi Greenwald

A graduate of “Ohr Elchanan” Yeshiva, Avi is a seasoned community activist in Yerushalayim involved in logistical support and projects manager.

In recent years, he has served in the role of logistical manager in the Department, actively participating in the WZO coordination efforts.

Prior to that, Avi was counted among the founders of the “Prakti” network, located in Givat Shaul, Jerusalem, where all products for the home and clothing can be purchased at cost for any Chasson,Kalla ,and families.

Avi is a well-known figure in the chutznik communities in Jerusalem and an unofficial representative of numerous Jewish organizations involved in logistical assistance and production in Israel.