מכתב לנתניהו: רבבות מיהודי התפוצות תומכים בממשלה החדשה

נציגי ‘ארץ הקודש’ בחבר הנאמנים של המוסדות הלאומיים שלחו מכתב לנתניהו שבו חשפו כי המכתב הקודם שנשלח על ידי ראשי המוסדות, נשלח בלי שהתקיים על כך דיון בחבר הנאמנים של הסוכנות היהודית. פרסום ראשון: נציגי סיעת ‘ארץ הקודש’ בחבר הנאמנים של המוסדות הלאומיים שיגרו הבוקר (חמישי) מכתב לראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו, בו הם קובלים על כך […]

Rav Chaim Kanievsky Expresses Support for WZO Vote in Letter to Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky

This past week, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva if Philadelphia, wrote a letter to Rav Chaim Kanievsky regarding the question of voting in the WZO election. The full text of the letter was reviewed by Matzav.com. Rav Shmuel expressed in the letter that he had heard that Rav Chaim issued a “hora’as sha’ah” to permit voting […]

Right turn at the wzo

When last week’s agreement dividing up portfolios within the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and its constituent bodies — Keren Hayesod, Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael, the Jewish National Fund, and the Jewish Agency — was finally signed, it was no easy slicing of the pie. Because for the first time, WZO’s decisive balance of power was now held by […]

Rabbi Lerner Speaks Out at Jewish Agency Meeting, Stops Anti-Torah Kosel Resolution

Thanks to the efforts of Rabbi Pesach Lerner, chairman of Eretz Hakodesh, the status quo at the Kosel Hamaarovi did not become the subject of a resolution by the board of governors of the JAFI-Jewish Agency for Israel, a powerful and influential international organization. Rabbi Lerner, who is a member of the JAFI board of governors representing […]

Letters slam major Jewish organizations for criticizing Netanyahu government

(January 5, 2023 / JNS) The Eretz HaKodesh and Coalition for Jewish Values organizations criticized a letter — written by The Jewish Federations of North America, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Hayesod and the World Zionist Organization — which expressed concerns over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government. Netanyahu’s cabinet was sworn in last Thursday. “It is our duty […]

Everything You Need to Know About the 2020 World Zionist Congress Election

Want to help Progressive Judaism increase its political clout in Israel? You can do so by participating in the 2020 World Zionist Congress (WZC) election, which run from January 21 to March 11, 2020 (MLK Day to Purim). These elections are held only every five years, and your vote for the ARZA slate will give the liberal […]

Rabbi Wernick Represents Conservative/Masorti Movement in Israel

Whether promoting religious pluralism in Israel at the Kotel (Western Wall) or meeting with U.S. or Canadian leaders on political issues, USCJ acts as a respected and trusted representative of today’s Conservative Judaism. Last week, CEO Rabbi Wernick did just that, traveling to Israel for meetings with the Jewish Agency, the World Zionist Organization and others. While there, he also visited […]

Reform MK Gilad Kariv hoisted on his own petard

Labor MK Gilad Kariv, the Reform movement’s representative in the government that just collapsed, may have been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. Perhaps this comes as no surprise — but it is particularly galling, as Kariv was Reform’s main champion of lawfare actions against chareidi causes before Israel’s High Court.